Assad Wins Presidential Election by 120%

In what must be a first in the recorded history of man, Syrian president Bashar Al Assad got re-elected for the third time in a row with a (wait for it) 120% majority.

No kidding. Here is the math:

  • The total population of Syria is estimated at 22.4 Million [source]
  • Out of those, an estimated 160,000 have been killed during the ongoing civil war [source]
  • And over 9 Million have fled their homes as refugees internally or into neighboring nations [source]. I don't assume anybody with an IQ higher than a chimp would argue that a refugee can cast a meaning vote in any sort of elections, beyond basically voting for whoever promised them a bucket of water and a handful of rice.
  • This leaves at most 13.24 Million Syrians alive and able to think beyond how to survive the day in a refugee camp.
  • The best stats available about the age structure of Syrians places 35% of them under the age of 15 [source]. This means that less than 65% of Syrians can vote.
  • So the number of voters in Syria at the highest estimate =  13.24 Million * 65% = 8.606 Million

Mr. Bashar Al Assad received 10.319723 Million votes [source].

In other words, 10.319723Million / 8.606Million = 119.9% of the voters voted for him.
Congrats Mr. Assad!
